How can I get credit for my internship?

There are a few different ways College of Fine Arts students can earn credit for doing an internship.

Art History The Art History Program offers a formalized internship practicum, which is linked to a credit-bearing course, ARTH 4850 Internship. This is an opportunity for you to acquire hands-on experiences to help you see how the visual arts fit into diverse community contexts. You will also discover how you may customize your academic training to smooth the transition from classroom to career. Internships are based on semester-long (5-6 hours/week) projects. You must complete twelve semester hours of upper-division art history coursework before you may enroll in ARTH 4850. If you are interested and eligible, download these guidelines to get started. Contact the sponsor to ascertain that your résumé and cover letter fit with the agency's project. You will be expected to submit a work plan at the beginning of the semester, brief monthly reports on the status of the project, and a final report on your contribution to the project. Most internships are unpaid, but some come with a stipend. Internships awarded by nationally recognized institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum in New York, are suitable for ARTH 4850. You may enroll for a maximum of two different internships.

Film and Media Arts Students are able to get major credit for their internship but you must have it approved by the department. Undergraduate students should register for Film 4900, graduate students for Film 6900 and fill out the Independent Internship Agreement Form before starting the internship.

Graphic Design Meet with an academic advisor to learn if a Graphic Design Internship is a requirement for you or can cover a major elective. Students who have an internship for their major requirements will sign up for ART 4830. The internship program eases the transition between the educational environment and the practicing profession. Reputable design studios, advertising agencies, and in-house design departments are asked by the graphic design faculty to participate. Internship placement is based upon the students' qualifications. These experiences are supplemented with course work addressing issues such as designer/client relationships, tax & legal issues, contract development and all practices associated with the business of design.

Modern Dance Students will register for DANC 4880 in the Spring of their senior year. This course provides internship practicum experience for each senior BFA major in the Department of Modern Dance in arts non-profit organizations on the University of Utah campus and in the Salt Lake community. These internships provide hands-on experience that utilizes numerous administrative skills that students have developed during their four years in the department.

School of Music students can participate in an internship with a participating music industry organization relevant to the student's degree emphasis. Students may find an internship independently, or they may work with the College of Fine Arts Internship Coordinator to identify and apply for internships before enrolling in this course. The student will register for MUSC 4900(undergrads) or MUSC 6900(grad students).

Theatre students majoring in Stage Management or PADP will register for an internship course for major credit. Stage Management students will participate in a supervised experience working on the stage management team of a professional production and will register for THEA 4950. PADP students will participate in a mentored design internship with a professional theatre company, or a film or television producing company and will register for THEA 4800

FA4890 The College of Fine Arts Internship Course is designed to help students connect their academic studies in the arts to practical application by offering academic credit focused on work experience. This internship experience will allow students to develop their professional and networking skills, attain hands-on experience, and evaluate career opportunities. FA 4890 is for any College of Fine Arts student with a major that does not currently offer a course for internship credit. Students may find an internship independently, or they may work with the CFA Internship Coordinator to identify and apply for internships before enrolling in this course.

Career Internship Program (CSIP)-Sign up for CSIP if you want to receive academic credit for your internship, but your major does not currently offer credit for internships. You should meet with an Academic Advisor to see if getting CSIP credit is a good option for you. Use the following link to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor:

If you want more information about getting credit through the Career Internship Program (CSIP) go here